Our Workshops

Bullying and Safety

Elementary | Middle

Children need to learn to create safe environments at school and at home to thrive in their community. SFCHANGE workshops encourage students to looks for adult allies and use the resources that are available to them in their communities during their elementary and middle school years.



Elementary | Middle | High

SFCHANGE’s finances workshops and webinars cover topics such as budgeting, taxes, morgages, the stock market, retirement planning, and more.

Child Rights

Elementary | Middle | High

Working with the Our Children Our Families Council, SFCHANGE is a part of the Child Friendly Cities Iniative by UNICEF. SFCHANGE hopes to promote Child rights, as stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Child, to youth of all ages and backgrounds.


Internet Safety

Elementary | Middle

Today’s children are being exposed to the internet like no generation before. SFCHANGE workshops are aimed to education youth on the. dangers of social media, internet resources, protecting personal information, and more!

Climate Change

Elementary | Middle | High

Climate change and the environmental impacts of climate change are presented in an easily digestible way to students of all grades and levels. SFCHANGE introduces climate change, effects, and ways young people can help and get involved.


Mental Health

Elementary | Middle | High

Mental health issues arise with the new generation so it is important for all youth to have access to mental health resources in their school and their city. SFCHANGE webinars introduce professional speakers, therapists, and school counselors.



SFCHANGE provides professional speakers, guidance counselors, and mentors to introduce and guide high schoolers through their college essays, applications, FAFSA, student loans, interviews, and more!


Racism & Micro-aggressions

Middle | High

Especially with the BLM protests and COVID-19, SFCHANGE highlights the need to discussion around race, self identity, and intersectionality.

Resumé Building+ Interview Training

Middle | High

SFCHANGE provides professional speakers and mentors to teach youth about how to create a resumé, find fulfilling careers, have successful interviews, and more!



Partnered with the San Francisco Public Libraries, SFCHANGE inspires young children to spark their imagination through stories and books!

Youth Civic Engagement

Middle | High

SFCHANGE encourages teens get involved in their community through the resources in their community.

More to come!